Thursday, November 26, 2009


My wife often reminds me of how forgetful I am. She usually points this out when I ask her if she knows where I put my wallet, or keys, or shoes! My assistant also knows my tendency to "space it," especially when it comes to meetings. Not only has she set my computer calendar to sound an alarm prior to each meeting, but she even texts me a reminder...sad, I know.

As forgetful as I can be at times, honestly, I've never figured how the Israelites could actually forget God! The Bible says, "The Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord; they forgot the Lord their God and served the Baals and the Asherahs" (Judges 3:7). How do you forget God? Does He just slip your mind? Does He simply drop from your consciousness? I can sympathize with those who forget things, but they FORGOT GOD!

I think another passage clears it up for us. Romans 1:28 talks of those who do evil in God's sight and says, "they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God." Now it makes sense, right? You cannot just forget God like you forget an appointment or where you placed your keys. We forget God by conscious choice. We decide to put Him out of our mind. We actually have to work at forgetting God! It takes intentional effort. It's true. The times I fall into sin are the times I deliberately don't think about God.

Today is Thanksgiving Day in America. Every American knows why we celebrate the holiday. The Pilgrims gave thanks to God for getting them through the first winter in the New World. But I wonder how many will choose to forget God today. Besides a quick prayer at the dinner table, I wonder if most of us will forget to humbly and genuinely give thanks to God for all of His provision in our lives.

I'm glad we still have Thanksgiving Day. It's a good day to REMEMBER God and give Him thanks...real, heartfelt thanks. Now, if I could just remember where I put my shoes!


1 comment:

  1. Greg-As the only Christian in my family and having 5 family members over for Thanksgiving, I felt very convicted to Give Thanks to God in front of them no matter what the consequesnce was going to be. In the past there would have been some type of argument or comment about how I was holier than thou...not this year. The crowd was mellow and thankful in their own way...and I was so thankful for that. I am thankful for you and your family as well as everyone at First Church--Blessings, Doreen
