Friday, March 4, 2011


Once when Jesus was really hungry, he saw a fig tree by the side of the road in "full leaf." Figs were a key source of food for folks in the first century. So, Jesus heads over to the fig tree looking for a tasty snack only to find it had no figs! It was like false advertisement - green leaves everywhere, but no fruit. Jesus makes a powerful statement by literally cursing the fig tree. Mark 11:14 records the curse: "May no one ever eat fruit from you again."

Fig trees bear fruit twice a year in the Holy Land, every Spring and Autumn. Jesus' encounter with the fig tree was in early Spring. Being on the cusp of Spring right now, I can identify with how Jesus must have felt, can't you? We are SO ready for the trees to bud and the flowers to bloom! I'm "hungry" for Spring to produce it's long-awaited "fruit!"

Jesus was disappointed that this particular fig tree promised more than it delivered. It was full of green leaves but had no fruit. Another Biblical metaphor for this is when the land was undergoing a severe drought. A dark cloud appears on the horizon bringing hope for much needed rain. But the cloud passes over and brings no rain!

Here's the point of the curse - Jesus is not cool with "appearances only." Living for God means we produce fruit. Jesus said that he "chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit - fruit that will last" (John 15:16). God wants us to make a real difference in life. I'm usually pretty good when it comes to "talking the talk." But God is not pleased unless I'm "walking the walk." We produce "fruit" when we back up what we say we believe with how we live.

As we stand on the cusp of Spring, let's refuse to be "leafy trees" that fail to come through with the fruit. Like the warm sunshine and refreshing rains of Spring will set orchards up for a fruitful harvest, God's power and grace can set us up for fruitful lives!

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