The Sounds of the Passion series we wrapped up yesterday made me in think about nuances of Christ's last week that I've never really considered before. In that series we tuned into sounds like:
The Sound of My Failure: The Clanging of Coins on the stone floor of the Temple as Judas returns the 30 pieces of silver he'd been paid to betray Jesus (Judas' failure), and the Rooster's Crow as Peter denied knowing Jesus three times, just as Jesus predicted he would before the cock crowed (Peter's failure).
The Sound of God's Love: The Crack of the Whip that lacerated our Lord's back, the Thud of the Hamer that drove the nails through His hands and feet, the Tearing of the Temple Veil symbolizing God's love bursting out upon humanity. All the sounds of the agony that Jesus went through on the cross remind us that everything He endured there He did because of His love for us.
The Sound of Life: The Rolling of the Stone from Christ's tomb which demonstrated Christ had conquered the grave through His resurrection and the Sound of My Name which is exemplified as the Risen Lord calls Mary Magdalene's name just after rising from the dead.
I've been thinking of all of these sounds, and many more that the Gospels allude to, in a very "micro" kind of way. But today, as we begin the week after Easter, I began to think of those sounds at a higher level, a more "macro" perspective.
The sounds of Christ's last week preceding Easter are sounds that point to sorrow, the sin for which He died, anxiety, the agony Jesus endured at the cross. But the sounds AFTER the resurrection are sounds of joy, restoration, relief, and life!
The week before Easter we call Holy Week, but the week after Easter is holy as well. Because this week we celebrate that all the sounds of Christ's passion before His resurrection lead us to all the sounds of praise afterward!
This week enjoy the SOUNDS OF LIFE! Because Jesus has risen, every sound we hear points to the reality that there is abundant life for His followers here, and eternal life to come!