Every Halloween I'm amazed at the people who actually enjoy being scared...my teenagers included. From horror movies to haunted houses, lots of people will seek the thrill of the "fright" this weekend.
It actually seems appropriate to me that our church is beginning a message series about handling finances on Halloween. This topic can be really scary to some folks! A lot of pastors are afraid to even touch it. I can understand why, few things make people's hair stand up like talking about money.
The reaction some have to this topic is almost "Freddy Krueger" like! They angrily contend, "All the church talks about is money!" Here's the truth: there would be far fewer financial "Nightmares on Elm Street" - or any other street - IF the church talked more about God's wisdom for handling finances. The Bible offers principles that lead to financial freedom. Why wouldn't we talk about that? People are enduring more economic "Misery" today than actor Kathy Bates inflicted on James Caan in Stephen King's thiller. God's Word on money is more important now than ever! Honestly, nothing could be more Alfred Hitchcock "Psycho" than people closing their ears to God's truth on money. Okay...I've got to stop with the cheap movie references.
One of Satan's greatest tricks is causing you to get offended when the church talks about money! He wants to rob you of God's blessing and power. Jesus talked a great deal about finances. Why? Jesus wants you to know the truth because the truth will set you free! (John 8:32)
So, this Halloween do something really scary...tune in to God's truth on handling your finances.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
The marquis above the theatre entrance doors read: Paranormal Acitivity. But what took place beyond those doors yesterday morning was way bigger than paranormal activity, it was Supernatural Activity! It was one of the coolest days of worship I've ever experienced.
As a couple hundred people showed up for the first public worship gathering of Restore Community Church, it was obvious that God had shown up too. The launch team came early and worked hard to transform the local theatre (just outside of Washington D.C.) into a place of worship. The lobby buzzed with more excitement than you'd find at the new release of a blockbuster film!
People came from all walks of life, but I'm pretty sure that few, if any, in the crowd had experienced what was about to happen. After a compelling message on God's heart and call to "unleash generosity" in our communities, Pastor Ron and Restore gave an offering to those in attendance.
Yes, you read that right! Rather than "receive" an offering from those attending, the church literally "gave" an offering to each attendee. That goes far beyond paranormal, folks! That kind of generosity and vision is supernatual! We received more than money, we received a challenge to use that money generously to help someone else...no strings attached. What a great way to communicate God's heart and His vision for loving others as He has loved us!
I'm excited about what God is doing and will do through a new church with that kind of commitment to God's extravagant love and generosity. If you want learn more about what is happening at Restore Community Church check out their website: www.restorenova.com.
As a couple hundred people showed up for the first public worship gathering of Restore Community Church, it was obvious that God had shown up too. The launch team came early and worked hard to transform the local theatre (just outside of Washington D.C.) into a place of worship. The lobby buzzed with more excitement than you'd find at the new release of a blockbuster film!
People came from all walks of life, but I'm pretty sure that few, if any, in the crowd had experienced what was about to happen. After a compelling message on God's heart and call to "unleash generosity" in our communities, Pastor Ron and Restore gave an offering to those in attendance.
Yes, you read that right! Rather than "receive" an offering from those attending, the church literally "gave" an offering to each attendee. That goes far beyond paranormal, folks! That kind of generosity and vision is supernatual! We received more than money, we received a challenge to use that money generously to help someone else...no strings attached. What a great way to communicate God's heart and His vision for loving others as He has loved us!
I'm excited about what God is doing and will do through a new church with that kind of commitment to God's extravagant love and generosity. If you want learn more about what is happening at Restore Community Church check out their website: www.restorenova.com.
Friday, October 23, 2009
I had forgotten the pain of a yellow-jacket sting. We lived in the backyard of the “Yellow Jackets" (Georgia Tech) for nearly 12 years and I'd never been stung. There were close calls. At age three my son was hit hard by a swarm after jumping on an inground nest. But I made it through our years in Georgia unstung!
That's why it felt so ironic a few days ago when a yellow-jacket attacked. It got me on a tender part of my right-hand thumb...and just 7-months in to our move back to Kentucky! One thing I can promise you is that the wrath of God fell on that nest. And few things have I ever enjoyed more.
The sting on my thumb was still obvious as I read Joshua 24:12 this week. God said to the Israelites, "I sent the hornet ahead of you, which drove them out before you -- also the two Amorite kings. You did not do it with your own sword and bow."
An elder at First Church is a Bible scholar who wrote a commentary on Joshua. So, I asked for Mark's view on "the hornet" in this passage. He said archeological evidence shows that during this period the Egyptian army made a few forays into Palestine and attacked the Israeli enemies. Amazingly one of the Egyptian symbols at that time was a bee! Quite literally God could have sent these "Egyptian hornets" into the land to soften up the enemies of Israel. Or, Mark said, it could have been a metaphor for the decay of a culture over time which caused them to be vulnerable and ripe for defeat by the Hebrews.
I love this new metaphor for how God works "upstream" in our lives! He sends the hornet ahead of you! It's how God works. He sent John the Baptist ahead of Jesus to prepare the way of the Lord." To the Jews He gave the concept of animal sacrifice for the cleansing of sin thousands of years in advance, why? To get us ready to for the shedding of Christ's blood, as the Lamb of God, once and for all. He "goes ahead" of us in battle and prepares the way. Isn't that a comforting thought? It's a confidence-building truth for those who follow Jesus.
As we face a huge transition in 2010 at the church I'm privileged to serve, my prayer is that God will send the hornet ahead of us! That He will drive out the enemies of fear, doubt, mistrust, cynical attitudes, selfishness, and disunity. The good news is that the battle belongs to the Lord! It is His church, not ours. So He will get it done in a glorious way, and we will give Him all the glory for it!
I have to say, I'm really glad that bee stung me! What a great reminder that God is the God who "sends the hornet ahead of you!"
That's why it felt so ironic a few days ago when a yellow-jacket attacked. It got me on a tender part of my right-hand thumb...and just 7-months in to our move back to Kentucky! One thing I can promise you is that the wrath of God fell on that nest. And few things have I ever enjoyed more.
The sting on my thumb was still obvious as I read Joshua 24:12 this week. God said to the Israelites, "I sent the hornet ahead of you, which drove them out before you -- also the two Amorite kings. You did not do it with your own sword and bow."
An elder at First Church is a Bible scholar who wrote a commentary on Joshua. So, I asked for Mark's view on "the hornet" in this passage. He said archeological evidence shows that during this period the Egyptian army made a few forays into Palestine and attacked the Israeli enemies. Amazingly one of the Egyptian symbols at that time was a bee! Quite literally God could have sent these "Egyptian hornets" into the land to soften up the enemies of Israel. Or, Mark said, it could have been a metaphor for the decay of a culture over time which caused them to be vulnerable and ripe for defeat by the Hebrews.
I love this new metaphor for how God works "upstream" in our lives! He sends the hornet ahead of you! It's how God works. He sent John the Baptist ahead of Jesus to prepare the way of the Lord." To the Jews He gave the concept of animal sacrifice for the cleansing of sin thousands of years in advance, why? To get us ready to for the shedding of Christ's blood, as the Lamb of God, once and for all. He "goes ahead" of us in battle and prepares the way. Isn't that a comforting thought? It's a confidence-building truth for those who follow Jesus.
As we face a huge transition in 2010 at the church I'm privileged to serve, my prayer is that God will send the hornet ahead of us! That He will drive out the enemies of fear, doubt, mistrust, cynical attitudes, selfishness, and disunity. The good news is that the battle belongs to the Lord! It is His church, not ours. So He will get it done in a glorious way, and we will give Him all the glory for it!
I have to say, I'm really glad that bee stung me! What a great reminder that God is the God who "sends the hornet ahead of you!"
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Today I was thinking of my dear friend, the late Olin Hay. Olin pastored South Louisville Christian Church (Louisville, KY) for over 20 years. Occasionally he liked to watch football practice at the University of Louisville. On one occasion a skinny freshman quarterback was sacked by a huge lineman right in front of him. Olin said the kid went down so hard it took him a minute to get up. When he finally extracted himself from the turf he looked at Olin with mud in his facemask, smiled and said, “You gotta love the game!”
Olin loved to reveal the identity of that scrawny quarterback. It was Johnny Unitas! Records show that the 6'1" Unitas weighed only 145 pounds on his first day at UofL. But his love for football was weighty enough to win him the NFL's MVP award in 1959, 1964, and 1967. His record for touchdown passes thrown in consecutive games still stands at 47! (Could Brett Farve be hanging on to break that record too?) Johnny Unitas is considered one of the greatest NFL quarterbacks of all time. It was his love for the game that enabled him to take the punishment as a skinny QB and excel.
Sometimes it’s easy to feel like a 145-pound weakling in faith. You may be facing a huge obstacle or bearing a crushing load in life. Do you ever end up with a lot of mud in your facemask? You can get up. You can keep going. You can succeed and even thrive. How? “You gotta love the game!”
If you’re feeling a little beaten down, remember this word from Hebrews 12, “let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross…Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."
Olin loved to reveal the identity of that scrawny quarterback. It was Johnny Unitas! Records show that the 6'1" Unitas weighed only 145 pounds on his first day at UofL. But his love for football was weighty enough to win him the NFL's MVP award in 1959, 1964, and 1967. His record for touchdown passes thrown in consecutive games still stands at 47! (Could Brett Farve be hanging on to break that record too?) Johnny Unitas is considered one of the greatest NFL quarterbacks of all time. It was his love for the game that enabled him to take the punishment as a skinny QB and excel.
Sometimes it’s easy to feel like a 145-pound weakling in faith. You may be facing a huge obstacle or bearing a crushing load in life. Do you ever end up with a lot of mud in your facemask? You can get up. You can keep going. You can succeed and even thrive. How? “You gotta love the game!”
If you’re feeling a little beaten down, remember this word from Hebrews 12, “let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross…Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."
Sunday, October 11, 2009
An incredible thing happened today.
In a message on the importance of doing life together we did a physical demonstration. I asked four volunteers from the audience to come on stage and surround an empty chair. The plan was for me to sit in the chair, ask one volunteer to try and lift me on his own (a huge task!), and then have all four easily lift the chair with me in it. The illustration is simple but clear - we can do together what we could never do alone!
Things did not quite go as planned. An older gentleman quickly volunteered and as he stepped on stage I immediately recognized him. It was Wayne, a man in our congregation with obvious special needs. Before we knew it Wayne had taken a seat and made himself really comfortable in the chair!
On the fly I thought, "No problem, Wayne's a big enough guy. If he will just stay in the chair when we lift it, this can work." As expected, one could not lift the chair alone. But I was not prepared for what followed. No, Wayne did not get scared and jump out of the chair. Quite the opposite actually. As we four men gathered around Wayne and lifted him into the air, he gleely swung his feet and smiled like a kid in a candy store.
That was when it hit me. This is it! This is exactly it! Here was a guy with real (and significant) special needs. And the guys around him were lifting him up, giving him the experience of a lifetime, showing him that he was special indeed...to us and to God! What a beautiful picture to see Wayne in that chair held up by his brothers in Christ. It was an incredible thing that I will not soon forget.
Following worship a lady introduced herself as a first time guest to our church. She said with deep sincerity, "I was supposed to be here today. It touched me to see the man with special needs lifted up," she added, "because our daughter has special needs." Isn't God incredible?
In a message on the importance of doing life together we did a physical demonstration. I asked four volunteers from the audience to come on stage and surround an empty chair. The plan was for me to sit in the chair, ask one volunteer to try and lift me on his own (a huge task!), and then have all four easily lift the chair with me in it. The illustration is simple but clear - we can do together what we could never do alone!
Things did not quite go as planned. An older gentleman quickly volunteered and as he stepped on stage I immediately recognized him. It was Wayne, a man in our congregation with obvious special needs. Before we knew it Wayne had taken a seat and made himself really comfortable in the chair!
On the fly I thought, "No problem, Wayne's a big enough guy. If he will just stay in the chair when we lift it, this can work." As expected, one could not lift the chair alone. But I was not prepared for what followed. No, Wayne did not get scared and jump out of the chair. Quite the opposite actually. As we four men gathered around Wayne and lifted him into the air, he gleely swung his feet and smiled like a kid in a candy store.
That was when it hit me. This is it! This is exactly it! Here was a guy with real (and significant) special needs. And the guys around him were lifting him up, giving him the experience of a lifetime, showing him that he was special indeed...to us and to God! What a beautiful picture to see Wayne in that chair held up by his brothers in Christ. It was an incredible thing that I will not soon forget.
Following worship a lady introduced herself as a first time guest to our church. She said with deep sincerity, "I was supposed to be here today. It touched me to see the man with special needs lifted up," she added, "because our daughter has special needs." Isn't God incredible?
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